Items from the World's Press relating to Michael Hockney.
ITAR-TASS 8/11/09
Фотогалерею "Цвета России", призванную "противостоять устаревшим и часто негативным стереотипам", создал канадскийфотохудожник
ОТТАВА, 11 августа. /Корр.ИТАР-ТАСС Игорь Борисенко/. Красочную фотогалерею "Цвета России", призванную "противостоять устаревшим и часто негативным стереотипам в глобальных средствах массовой информации" создал канадский фотохудожник Майкл Хокни. В нее включены несколько сот ярких, полных жизни и цвета снимков, сделанных во время поездки в Москву, Санкт-Петербург, Нижний Новгород и Владимир.
"В своих работах мне хотелось показать Россию так, как воспринимает ее человек непредвзятый, - отметил он в беседе с корр.ИТАР-ТАСС. - Я давно уже обратил внимание на то, что в североамериканских средствах массовой информации Россию, как правило, изображают в мрачных тонах. Поэтому я посчитал себя обязанным продемонстрировать свои работы, на которых запечатлено то, что я видел сам. Когда я впервые побывал в России, я был поражен, ведь все оказалось совсем не так, как я ожидал. Да, 1990-е годы были хаотическими, однако дальнейшую пост-советскую историю России, как правило, изображают лишь в черно-белых тонах. В 2004 году я сам отправился в поездку по России и вынес позитивные впечатления. Та фотогалерея, которая получилась в результате - это отнюдь не некая "Библия" по России, а картина того, как страна выглядит с точки зрения канадца".
Colours of Russia Launches on Russia: other points of view 9/14/09
The Colours of Russia initiative is welcomed to the influential Russia: other points of view website.
"I am honoured to be asked to contribute to this distinguished forum. In recent months Colours of Russia has reached many places and minds in the cause of cultural understanding. The invitation to ROPV is indicative of the need for positive and realistic imagery of Russia and the recognition of Colours of Russia as an effective tool for change"
Michael Hockney, The Studio of Michael Hockney
The Ivanov Report 9/16/0rs of Russia Launches on Russia: other points of view 9/14/09
"The True Colors of Quality Journalism"
Please, meet Michael Hockney, a Canadian photographer and the Artistic Director of the Project "Colours of Russia." Take a look at these pictures and enjoy the peculiar mixture of simplicity and sophistication created by the hand of an experienced professional:
(I'm certainly biased because the slide-show is full of pictures of my beloved St. Petersburg. Curiously, there are many images of weddings. Fits my own impression of St. Petersburg this summer: a lot of weddings and young moms with strollers.)
The "Colours of Russia" project (recently covered by Itar-Tass) is part of a broader campaign to fight country stereotypes created by the media. Russia -- obviously not spoiled by the abundance of objective coverage -- has been selected for the first release from The Colour Group. The ultimate goal of the project, as I understand it, is to cover as many cities and countries in the world as Michael and his partner William Zlatanov are able to travel to.
I want to thank The Colour Group for yet another opportunity to see Russia I know and love and I wish Michael and William many happy shots.
Or, borrowing the Russian line of the month:
The Colour Group, forward!
Colours of Russia 747 presented to Sochi 2014 in Vancouver 2/17/2010
Colours of Russia director Michael Hockney met with Sochi 2014 officials to present a copy of "Colours of Russia 747" to be used at "Russky Dom", the official headquarters of Sochi 2014 for the duration of The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games.
The Vancouver Sun- 5/3/2010
The link to the featured article above is here
The original article which Colours of Russia responded to is here.
The above Vancouver Sun article is no longer active and a pdf will be posted scanned from the original article.
Colours of Russia interview on Voice of Russia 08/07/2011
Michael Hockney, director of Colours of Russia, is interviewd by Estelle Winters on what its like to see Russia from abroad.
Interview with Estelle Winters July 2011, Voice of Russia
Colours of Chile foundation studies begin 28/01/2012
Michael Hockney and a small production team land in Santiago to begin foundation studies. The suburbs of Santiago provide ample material for social documentary and several thousand images are shot over the course of 4 days.
Colours of Argentina foundation studies begin -2/02/2012
Michael Hockney and the team base themselves in Buenos Aires and Rosario for three weeks of shooting. The arrival coincides with the approaching thirtieth anniversary of hostilities between the UK and Argentina. Strangely Hockney is penalized for using a Canadian passport rather than a UK document upon arrival..Canadians are charged a "reciprocal fee" of $150US, UK ex-combatants are charged nothing and have visa- free entry.
Ten thousand images are made.
A brief trip is made to Colonia and Montivideo across the River Platte to Uruguay
Michael Hockney a contributor to the new ThinkRUSSIA, an online platform that offers news and shares perspectives on Russia, from global and domestic policy matters to the country’s quality of life and economic and social modernization. Like its predecessor,, thinkRUSSIA provides a space to identify opportunities and challenges, and focus on the plans and steps underway to address them.
Colours of Russia gets new logo 26/01/2014